Real estate agent shakes hands with new homeowners

Start a Colorado Real Estate Career With Online Courses from

Finding a secure career path in today’s shaky economy is important for residents of Colorado. With the current unemployment rate in Colorado at over 8 percent, many people are looking for ways to expand their career options. There are a number of college degrees or certification programs available to jump start your career, however they can be expensive and time consuming. If you are currently working, classes can be difficult to fit into your work schedule. Even if you make the commitment of both time and money and manage to find a workable schedule to attend classes full or part time, there is no guarantee that the investment will pay off in your career.  There is one career choice that offers unlimited income potential without going into debt or spending years in school. You may be surprised to learn that you can earn a Colorado real estate license in just a couple of months, or less by taking advantage of online real estate courses in Colorado.

The Colorado Division of Real Estate requires that you attend 168 course hours in order to qualify to sit for the Colorado real estate license exam. Online real estate courses allow you to study the required course work at anytime of the day or night that is convenient for you. Unlike traditional classroom schedules, you are free to log in to your real estate training course from anywhere with an internet connection at anytime. This offers you complete control over how long it takes you to begin your new career.

Taking online real estate courses in Colorado is not only convenient, it’s also a fraction of the cost of traditional degree or certification programs.  Taking two years or more to earn a college degree can leave you thousands and thousands of dollars in debt by the time you receive the degree, and with no guarantee that you will get a better job. Taking just a couple of months to earn your Colorado real estate broker license will have you working in real estate for less than the cost of a single college course. In a single semester you could be well on your way to earning your first commission, which is many times enough to cover the complete costs associated with earning your real estate license.

Other requirements to earn your Colorado real estate license besides your certificate of proof that the education prerequisites have been met include a background check and Errors and Omissions Insurance. Real estate agents and brokers are required to be of good moral character and must submit a fingerprint card to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for a complete background check before they will be issued an active license. New licensees will also need to provide proof of an E & O policy to protect themselves and their employing broker from liability before their license will be placed in active status.

thumbnailcaj7xdhrThe list of careers offering high income possibilities with a minimal investment is quite short. Real estate has long been a wealth creating industry. There has never been a better time to consider a career in Colorado real estate.

Want to find out if you have what it takes to be a Real Estate Agent or Broker?

About The Author: Geoffrey Thompson is an owner and founding partner of Colibri Real Estate, LLC. Since 1996 the companies under this banner have offered online real estate licensing and insurance licensing courses as well as online real estate exam prep and insurance exam prep.