If you are looking to start a new career, 2011 is a great time to consider getting your California real estate license. The qualifications are minimal and the potential income is tremendous. In just a few weeks and at a cost that is less than that of a single college course, you could earn a California real estate license. This would allow you to start a lucrative career in one of the most sought after places to live in the country.
The general qualifications are you must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the state of California. A criminal background check is also required. If there are any criminal violations on your record, they are not necessarily grounds for denial of a license; they must, however, be disclosed on your application for licensure. Being a truthful and honest citizen is also a requirement, so withholding information regarding past criminal violations are grounds for denial of your license.
The educational requirements to earn your California real estate license are 135 hours of real estate courses. The courses are broken down into three areas of study. You are required to have 45 hours of both real estate principles and real estate practice. The final 45 hours of real estate courses required are to be chosen from a list of approved courses in areas such as finance, property management, mortgages, or another related topic. If you have completed the eight college courses required for the brokers exam at an approved institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or by an institution endorsed by the United States Department of Education, this will fulfill the educational requirements to take the salesperson exam without additional course work.
Upon completion of the educational requirements, you must submit your application to take the California real estate license exam and receive a passing score on the final exam. Transcripts will need to be submitted along with the California real estate license application. The processing of the California real estate license application generally takes approximately six weeks. During this time your application and transcripts will be reviewed and a license issued.
Recently California has rolled out an electronic testing system that makes getting your license almost instantaneous. In approved facilities, the California real estate license exam is administered via a computerized testing system. The results of the exam will be available immediately upon completion of the exam and a license can be issued instantly, and you will be ready to go to work when you leave the testing facility. This means that you could be ready to get to work the same day that you pass the exam, instead of waiting six weeks for results.
Owning a home in California is a dream for many people. There is a way of life associated with living in California that you cannot find anywhere else. The lowest home prices in years have made many homes affordable for people that never believed they could own their dream home in beautiful, sunny California. Circumstances are perfect for getting a California real estate license and to make your mark in the housing market. You could be earning commissions in a matter of weeks.
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About The Author: Tom Davidson is the acting Director of Sales & Operations for Colibri Real Estate, LLC. Since 1996 the companies under this banner have offered online real estate licensing and insurance licensing courses as well as online real estate exam prep and insurance exam prep.