real estate agent writes real estate blogs

6 Tips for Writing the Best Real Estate Blogs

Writing a real estate blog is an excellent way for real estate professionals to build their brands and engage with local audiences. Blogging has become increasingly accessible due to online platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Tumblr. That being said, writing high-quality posts for real estate blogs that are both informative and valuable is easier said than done.

Do you need help getting started with your real estate blog? Here are six tips for writing the best real estate blog possible.

Benefits of Writing Real Estate Blogs

Before we provide actionable strategies for writing a real estate blog, here are some benefits of writing articles for your real estate website.

1. Builds brand awareness:

A blog can help increase your visibility within your target market. It allows you to showcase your expertise and unique approach to real estate, helping you stand out from competitors. 

2. Establishes yourself as an authority:

By consistently sharing valuable information, insights, and advice, you can position yourself as an authority in the real estate industry. A blog can build trust with potential clients and establish credibility. 

3. Educates clients:

A blog is a great platform to educate clients about the real estate process, market trends, financing options, and more industry-related topics. 

4. Generates leads:

Quality content can attract potential clients actively searching for information related to real estate. You can convert blog readers into leads by offering helpful resources and solutions to their questions. 

5. Benefits SEO:

Regularly updating your blog with relevant, keyword-rich content can improve SEO (or Search Engine Optimization). SEO strategies can make it easier for potential clients to find you online when they search for real estate-related topics. 

Tips for Writing Engaging Real Estate Blogs

There are tricks of the trade for writing a good blog. Here are some to consider as you take on this project. 

1. Consider focusing on a specific real estate subcategory that would appeal to your audience.

Consider your target audience and purpose when developing your blog. Are you writing real estate articles for other industry professionals? Are you creating a real estate investing blog for potential clients? Do you want home buyers in your area to find your blog – or those interested in leasing a commercial property? Whether your blog will focus on local tips for your surrounding real estate market or offer insight into the specifics of staging a house, targeting the right audience to position your blog is critical.

What will your blog be about?

Read some ideas below for inspiration:

  • Luxury real estate blog
  • House-flipping blog
  • Shabby chic blog
  • Home staging blog
  • Regional real estate blog
  • Real estate agent blog
  • Lifestyle blog for a target demographic
  • Interior design blog
  • Tech in real estate blog
  • International real estate blog
  • Destination property blog
  • Family-oriented real estate blog
  • Advice blog for aspiring real estate agents
  • Suburban home blog
  • Specialty real estate blog for a niche audience

2. Research keywords applicable to your niche and location.

If you’re putting hard work into real estate blog posts, you want people to find and read them. Google indexes pages based on their authority, which is determined by several factors, including how many other pages link to yours and how many keywords relevant to the search term appear in the text of your blog.

Much has been written about SEO (search engine optimization) and keyword strategies, and experts are available to help you optimize your website. However, here are a few basic tips for those just starting a blog strategy. 

Make a list of general real estate blog topics your specific audience might search on the internet. 

Narrow down the focus of your blog by entering those words in Google to see what additional phrases users add to the topic during their searches. For example, when you enter “selling a home” on Google, the following phrases appear:

  • Selling a home calculator
  • Selling a home without a REALTOR
  • Selling a home capital gains
  • Selling a home with a mortgage
  • Selling a home in a trust
  • Selling a home with solar panels

With this simple act, you have six keywords for blog topics.

Make a list of keywords and blog topics. Use the keywords in the title, within the first 150 words, and in at least one subhead. However, don’t go overboard and incorporate keywords just for the sake of it. This tactic is called “keyword stuffing,” and Google may penalize pages using this strategy. 

3. Write a blog post optimized for SEO.

SEO is a measurement system that determines the relevancy of online content. The internet is saturated with real estate articles, so optimizing your post with SEO in mind can make yours rise to the top of the search results. Here are some tips for getting your real estate blog ideas in front of the right eyes:

  • Consider the intent of your readers — write something that’s going to be relevant to them and make them want to keep reading.
  • Write your content with a specific audience and location in mind. 
  • Ensure your content is helpful and reflects positively on your brand and industry.
  • Include appropriate linking. Link to other authoritative sites writing about similar content.
  • Stay current on the best length for articles, which is currently at or above 1,000 words.

This is just a beginner’s overview of SEO best practices. Many brokerages hire professionals to oversee this aspect of real estate marketing. Ask about SEO strategies when interviewing brokerages. 

4. Keep the tone casual.

People generally like posts that feel like friendly advice rather than reading a manual, so keep that in mind when finding your writing tone. It’s ok to include a little humor in your writing; your audience will likely appreciate a blog with a warm touch and personality.

The most important thing to remember is that you want to keep people on your page and engaged with your content. Write in a way that your audience will understand. Make them want to return to your blog (or subscribe) because you’re so clear and helpful.

5. Share your blog post through your newsletter and social media accounts.

Once your blog post is written, a great way to maximize the impact is to share it across your other online communication platforms, such as e-newsletters and social media channels. Starting a blog and building a community online is essential; connecting the different platforms strengthens that community.

6. Use visuals when sharing your blog posts.

It’s typically a good idea to avoid text-heavy posts. Post a visually appealing image or a share-worthy infographic related to the article’s subject. Marketing is crucial for your real estate business. Learn more about real estate marketing strategies by following Colibri Real Estate’s Career Hub blog. Colibri Real Estate is an online real estate school that offers pre-licensing, continuing education, and broker courses. No matter where you are in your journey as a real estate agent, turn to Colibri for assistance.