Blogging like a Real Estate Agent, pt. 2

Blogging on your agent website is an excellent way to increase your leads. With the majority of real estate clients using the internet to find an agent, your blog is how potential clients get to know you and your expertise. Additionally, by adding new content to your website, in the form of a blog, you can increase your SEO.

After figuring out what you are going to say, the next question most new bloggers ask is how much should I say? While it would be easier for me to give you a character-length that is perfect, it is just not true that a perfect blog-length exists. The most important factor in determining length is your topic. You want to make sure you are giving all the necessary information but not dragging it out. If your blog is getting particularly long, you may want to divide it into a series of blogs rather than one long one.

One of the benefits of blogging is increasing the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your website. Most experts will say you should have at least 250 characters for Google optimization (this article is already 1240 characters long). However, just getting noticed by Google is not enough to boost your SEO. SEO is also boosted when other websites link to yours. Every time you blog you should tweet a link to it and post it on your Facebook account. One study1 found that longer blogs are more likely to be shared on Facebook and re-Tweeted which increases your site traffic and, in turn, the SEO.

No matter what you write, you need to get people to actually read it. Make sure each blog has a headline that pulls people in. This is time to get a little creative so the reader feels compelled to click. Take a moment or two to look at other blogs to see what catches your eye – is the headline a question you want answered? Does it include a set number of tips? Try using different styles of headlines then check your Google Analytics to see which ones are getting the most clicks.

When organizing your blog, remember that most readers skim through blogs rather than read word-for-word. Keep your paragraphs to just a few sentences with a true topic sentence that lets readers know if they should continue. Use bullets to organize longer lists. And don’t forget to include an image with each blog. The best images are photos you have taken yourself. If you use images found online, be sure you are abiding by copyright laws.

Finally, you want your blogs to build a following. People are creatures of habit and like routines. To get them to visit your blog/website regularly, you have to post regularly. Actually write your blog into your calendar. For example, first week of the month is for writing; second Wednesday of the month is when you post. If you decide you want to post more frequently, go for it. Just make sure your posting schedule is consistent. Now is the time to stop reading and start blogging!

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About Tom DavidsonTom Davidson is Vice President of Colibri Real Estate, LLC. which operates online education providers Colibri Real Estate, Insurance License Express and License Tutor.