Johnell Woody

Johnell Woody

Johnell Woody is a real estate broker, licensed instructor, coach, and trainer. Johnell is passionate about real estate, devoting decades to the industry, all the while promoting the importance of life-long learning. She was first licensed as a real estate professional by the California Department of Real Estate in 1972. Johnell holds an associate’s degree in business law from Cerritos College, California, with a real estate emphasis. She also holds a bachelor’s from Kennesaw State University, Georgia, in integrative studies with an emphasis on psychology, communication, and theatre. Additionally, Johnell holds a master’s degree in integrated global communication. Johnell was also awarded the KSU Leadership Program Certificate. Currently, she is a member of GAR Professional Development Committee, a director on the GREEA Board, and co-chair of the REEA Education Committee. Johnell is under contract to author a textbook on real estate finance for a California community college.