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Real Estate Agent Job Description Templates, Components & Tips

Are you looking to attract new talent to your brokerage? If so, you’ll want to make sure your organization stands out. When seeking new opportunities, the first place a potential new hire will likely look is at your job openings. So, how do you catch their eye? The first step is to create a compelling real estate job description.

A well-thought-out job description will, of course, describe the role and day-to-day responsibilities. But beyond that, it should also highlight what makes your brokerage unique.

Whether you’re looking to hire new agents or to refine your existing descriptions, this guide will help you create an effective job description that appeals to top candidates. Read on to learn more.

What Is a Real Estate Agent Job Description?

A real estate agent job description outlines the role’s duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations. It serves as a roadmap for potential candidates, helping them understand what the job entails and whether they are a good fit. A well-written job description can attract qualified candidates and set clear expectations for new hires.

Your job description should be listed on your brokerage’s website in an accessible place for potential candidates to find, like a careers page. You should also share your job description if you’re actively seeking new talent. Spread the word across your social media channels.
Post on local job boards or in neighborhood groups. Don’t forget to mention it when you’re networking with industry peers, too – you never know who’s looking for their next opportunity.

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Why Is a Good Real Estate Agent Job Description Important?

A good real estate agent job description is crucial for several reasons. It helps attract suitable candidates by clearly outlining what the role involves. It sets performance expectations. (This reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings.) It also helps differentiate your brokerage from competitors.

As we mentioned before, the industry is competitive. This doesn’t just mean agents have to compete for clients; brokerages have to compete for top talent. If you want to attract the best, put time and attention into your real estate job description. Your work will pay off.

Real Estate Agent Job Description Template Breakdown

So, how do you write an all-star job description? Imagine you’re looking for a new role in your career. Think about what you would want to see in a job description. What questions would you have? What would turn you off from a potential job?

An effective job description involves several vital components. We recommend creating a template that includes all of the following features so you can use it repeatedly as your brokerage grows. Here’s a breakdown of what to include:

1. Job title

The job title is the first thing potential candidates will see. Make it clear and make it specific. Make sure to use a title that accurately reflects the role and the level of experience required. For example, “Experienced Real Estate Agent” or “Junior Real Estate Agent” gives candidates an immediate understanding of what is expected.

2. Expectations and summary of the role

Next, provide a brief overview of the job. This section outlines the primary responsibilities and describes a typical day on the job. This will help candidates quickly determine if the role aligns with their career goals and experience.

3. Job duties and responsibilities

This next section should detail the specific duties and responsibilities of the role. List the main tasks they’ll be expected to perform, such as prospecting for clients, conducting property showings, negotiating deals, or managing paperwork. Being thorough in this section ensures candidates understand the full scope of the job.

4. Required qualifications and skills

Do you want someone who specializes in a specific niche? Or maybe you’re looking for a seasoned agent to mentor newer ones? Here is where you’ll want to list the necessary qualifications and skills for the job, including any required certifications, licenses, and experience levels. Highlight technical skills, like knowledge of real estate software, and soft skills, like communication and negotiation abilities. This section helps filter out unqualified candidates and attracts those who meet your criteria.

5. Work hours & benefits

One of the perks of a real estate career is the flexibility. Some agents work part-time, while others put in more than your typical 9-5. If your brokerage prioritizes a flexible schedule, make sure you include that. Outline the expected work hours and mention any benefits you offer, such as health insurance or retirement plans.

This information is important for candidates to understand the work-life balance and additional perks of working with your brokerage. Including benefits can also make your job posting more competitive.

6. Company’s information & call to action

Provide a brief overview of your brokerage, including your mission and values. What sets you apart from other firms? Don’t forget a call to action, telling interested candidates to apply and where. Mention any application materials required, such as a resume and cover letter. Now’s the time to ask for references, too.

Tips for Writing a Job Description for Your Next Real Estate Agent

Writing a job description isn’t as easy as simply listing generic facts or a bulleted list about the job. Remember, this may be your only chance to stand out during a potential candidate’s job search. Your description should take into account the careful consideration of your brokerage’s needs. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective job posting:

1. Use your team’s needs to guide your description

Don’t just hire to hire; tailor your job description based on your team’s specific needs. Speak to your current team members, and ask thorough questions. Consider the skills and attributes that will complement your current team and fill gaps. This approach ensures you’re attracting candidates who can contribute meaningfully to your brokerage’s success.

2. Market your brokerage’s culture

Just as everyone has slightly different work styles, so do most brokerages. To capture suitable applicants, highlight your brokerage’s culture and values to attract candidates who fit in with your work environment. This is your time to brag about what makes working there unique! Describe your team dynamics, discuss your work style, and highlight unique traditions or events. Showcasing your culture can help you stand out to candidates looking for a workplace where they feel like they belong.

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3. Think beyond the generic

We live and work in an age where attention spans are short. Generic phrases can quickly tell an applicant you’ve copied and pasted a description. Instead, show them exactly what type of agent – with what type of skills – you are searching for. Avoid using common buzzwords or industry jargon that doesn’t add value to your job description. Be specific about what makes your brokerage and the role unique. Detailed and thoughtful descriptions can help attract genuinely interested candidates – and a good fit for – the position.

4. Check for correct spelling and grammar

Don’t turn off potential new agents before they even give you a chance! Proofread your job description carefully. Make sure it’s free from spelling and grammatical errors. Mistakes can make your posting look unprofessional and deter quality candidates from applying. Ask a colleague to review the description to catch anything you might have missed. A second set of eyes to check your work and add additional input never hurts.

Elevate Your Brokerage with Colibri Real Estate School

A good job description is an essential first step in attracting top talent to your brokerage. However, ensuring your team stays current with the ever-changing industry is just as important. That’s where Colibri Real Estate School can help.

With a wide range of real estate continuing education courses, our flexible online school can help your agents stay ahead in today’s competitive market and keep their licenses up-to-date. Let us help your brokerage shine. Contact us today to learn more.

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