Tricks of the Trade: Tips for New Realtors

Getting your foot in the door of the real estate business can be daunting—especially when you don’t have a lot of experience in real estate or are new to the area. Last year in our Trick of the Trade campaign, we asked real estate agents across the country for some tips to help new real estate agents get started in their careers. Here are just some of the tips that they provided:

#1: Be yourself

In life, and in real estate, being yourself can take you far. Many experienced real estate agents will attest to this, citing that prospects can tell when someone is being disingenuous. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t be your best self when talking with potential clients, just don’t be afraid to insert your personality into your conversations.

BE YOURSELF! When I was taking my courses and tests I was concerned as to whether or not I could become a real estate agent. For me, it was very difficult even though I had just retired from 27 years of teaching. I quickly discovered that being myself was the best thing ever for my professional style. I have met so many kind people, made so many connections and some clients have even become friends!” – Valery W.

#2: Throw a party

You’ll hear this over and over again, but real estate is a business built on relationships. And what better way to build relationships than with a party! Hosting a party is a great way to meet new people and foster current relationships. So, go on, find a reason to celebrate!

“I became an agent in April 2017. In April 2018, I threw a small ‘first anniversary as a REALTOR®’ party for myself. I invited friends, family, associates, past coworkers via Facebook, LinkedIn and emails via my CRM. I invited everyone for a free treat at Krispy Kreme. It was casual and fun. It cost me only $40 and it gave me a non-intrusive way to remind everyone that I am a REALTOR®. So, this month, I kicked it up a notch. For my 18-month anniversary, I held a Taco Tuesday on the patio of a local Mexican restaurant. I treated everyone to tacos and margaritas. I had folks show up from my various groups of friends: past co-workers, lenders, other REALTORS®, musicians. Everyone had a blast and I spent a little over $100 on the entire party. I received several thank you notes. And, of course, the repeated invitations allowed me to remind my sphere of influence that I am a REALTOR®. Next April, it will be my second anniversary. I plan to celebrate it with a Wine Wednesday!” – Joe S.

#3: Choose a supportive brokerage

Often overlooked is the importance of selecting a brokerage once you’ve received your real estate license. Not only will the brokerage you partner with have a huge impact on your financial earnings, but it will ultimately greatly impact your career satisfaction.

“I will never forget the conversation I had with the head of the local real estate association when acquiring my board membership. She told me the most important thing to a successful start in real estate is your brokerage investing in you. They have to believe in your ability to make yourself and them money. If they have that belief, they will invest time and money into training you to be the best agent you can possibly be. This is critical to getting off to a good start and becoming successful in the long run.” – Ronald C.

Need help selecting a brokerage? This worksheet will take you through the steps of what to look for in a real estate brokerage. Click here to download.

#4: Network constantly

A large portion of your activities as a newly-licensed real estate agent should be saved for networking both online and in-person. There is really no shortcut around this fact, especially if you don’t have a large network already. However, networking doesn’t have to be stiff or boring. You can network practically anywhere. All you have to do is be intentional and remind yourself that every counter with someone new could result in a future sale.

“As a licensee, one of my main concerns, while I wait to take the in-person exam, is networking. I get to know as many agents as I can and then add them on LinkedIn. I know that building a network in my career in real estate has already started, but now that I am getting my license, it is more important to reinforce the positive relationships I have now and cultivate new ones. I do this by talking to everybody, everywhere from the grocery store, to my gym, yoga studio, vet, dentist, doctor, family friends, friends, my parents’ friends, waitresses, at bars and restaurants, people working at stores and farmers markets. You never know who you are going to meet, or who the people you meet know.” – Kira K. 

#5: Don’t be shy about your new career

Once you’ve achieved your real estate license, shout it from the mountain tops! Make sure all your friends, family, former co-workers, neighbors, etc. know about your career switch and you’ll widen your circle of influence in no time!

“Being a new broker to the game, I try to remind all my friends quite frequently that I am a real estate agent and that I would love to help them (or their friends and family) with any real estate-related questions.” – Ekaterina H. 

#6: Help experienced agents

Finding a real estate mentor and cultivating a successful relationship could help you out tremendously by enhancing your ability to launch a long, successful real estate career. If you don’t know where to start, ask your real estate broker for advice on experienced agents who may be willing to provide guidance and support.

“If you’re starting out, offer to help more experienced agents. Host an open house, help them when they are out of town. You will learn a lot and get invaluable experience!” – Jeffrey W. 

#7: Find your niche

The most successful real estate agents typically aren’t jacks of all trades. They have a specialty or a niche. When you become an expert in a specific area, you’re better positioned to serve clients seeking your specific knowledge and have a valuable tool for marketing your services. (Want to know which niches are the most profitable? Read this article.)

“I believe how you brand yourself makes the world of the difference in standing out amidst the competition. I am fairly new in the market as an agent but as a previous investor, I noticed agents who branded themselves and the ones who didn’t, just did not make the cut. If you are an agent new or seasoned, get out there find your niche and be known for what you resonate with the most and make it who you are!” – Lateefah M. 

#8: Invest in marketing materials

One of the costs associated with starting your own real estate business is marketing. Depending on your brokerage agreement, these costs may be covered by your sponsoring broker. Either way, it is essential to invest in your own marketing materials such as business cards, personalized stationery/office materials, anything that will get your name out and about.

“As a new agent, I try to hand out 5 business cards a day or mention anything real estate related in my conversations.” – Cassie D.