To Stage is the Rage In Real Estate

It’s funny how a word can come on the scene and take on meaning in a relatively short time. In our distinctively American way, common usage propels these new concepts into the vernacular and even to the dictionary in a few short years.

Staging in the context of the residential home market comes to mind. If you are just getting your real estate license and looking ahead to selling homes, you’ll want to know more about staging.

Where did staging start and just what is it? No doubt those models on display in new home developments were our first staged homes and subsequently inspired the notion of staging in other not-so-new residences. Trained experts knew just how to make those small bedrooms look large, and to distract eyes from the unsightly view out the window or the hard-to-work-around beam in the family room.  In the late 1990s, this service came on the scene for individual sellers and real estate professionals. And the word spread when it helped garner higher prices for homes..

Gina March is the successful woman behind She defines real estate staging as “a process in which a trained designer visually prepares a house for sale.” A properly staged home sells an average of 30% faster and for 13% more money than other homes, according to her research.

While you will learn to tell your clients to remove personal photos, to clean up the clutter, to even kennel the family dog, all to make a good impression on potential buyers. Gina takes on this task, completely and comprehensively. She starts with the front yard and works throughout the house, assessing the space based on six key attributes:  cleanliness, clutter, maintenance, a neutral palette, depersonalization and general décor.

A stager’s services include a discussion of the most important things the seller can do to improve a home’s appearance. This can really take the pressure off an agent by objectifying and depersonalizing sensitive issues for the seller.

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