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Smash fear, learn anything
Starting a new career is scary and intimidating. Starting a career in an industry that can be as volatile as real estate can feel like you are leaping off a cliff into the unknown. In this informative TED Talk, productivity guru and author of the bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss, offers information for overcoming your biggest fears so that you can go on to learn and succeed at anything.
How to speak so that people want to listen
As a new, inexperienced agent, it can feel like no one, from clients to colleagues in the office, is listening to you. In less than 10 minutes, Julian Treasure offers the seven deadly sins that could be destroying your credibility and steps you can take to speak with power, confidence, and authority so that people truly hear what you have to say.
8 secrets of success
In this super quick video, Richard St. John distills what he learned over seven years and 500 interviews about what it takes to be truly successful—no matter what career you choose.
Your body language shapes who you are
As with any new career, you may be lacking confidence in your ability to succeed, and that is perfectly normal. In this presentation, social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how to fake it until you make it, using “power posing” to make you appear—and eventually feel—more confident.
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
Your work is stressful, no doubt. In this quick TED Talk, mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe describes the transformative power of taking 10 minutes each day to do absolutely nothing and refresh your mind. Learn how to cut through the distractions and focus on the things that matter most to you.
Which do you think are the best TED Talks?
Have you come across any TED Talks that have changed the way you think about your real estate career? In your opinion, which are the best TED Talks for real estate agents? Please share your favorite TED Talks in the comments section so that the rest of us can enjoy them.
Ready to start your real estate career? Find out what it takes to earn your real estate license and become an agent in your state.