time management tips

11 Real Estate Time Management Tips For Passing Your Online Real Estate Licencing Courses

Time management can be a challenge for online learners–especially if you’re taking online courses while holding down another job or taking care of a family.

So, how can you find the time to complete your real estate licensing courses while juggling other commitments? We have several time management tips that will help you breeze through your real estate licensing courses:

1. The first step to getting your real estate licence is to prioritize your career goals

For the duration of your online real estate licensing course, make the course your number one professional priority. This might mean saying “no” to some large projects at your current job that could take away from your real estate study-time.

2. Find a buddy to study with

Online learning can sometimes be lonely. At Colibri Real Estate we offer several ways to connect with others who are taking courses. Inside your online real estate licensing course, you’ll have links to a forum where you can share ideas and questions with fellow students. You can join Live Q&A sessions with your instructor and fellow students on a weekly basis. You can also connect with others taking real estate courses on our Facebook page. Making these connections and having regular check-ins is a great way to keep you motivated.

3. Work on the course one hour a day

This hour is your class time. Can’t spare a whole hour? How about 15 minutes four times a day? Can you complete a section during your lunch hour? How about the first hour after your kids go to bed?

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4. Create a time management schedule that includes your course study plan

When you first open your course, print off the chapter and section lists. Set fixed times during the week to work on each section or chapter.

5. Map your study plan to your calendar

Some weeks it will be hard to progress through your courses (hello holidays, vacations, events), so look ahead and make a calendar. Figure out what weeks look busy and make a plan for how you’ll get your coursework done ahead of time.

6. Get rid of distractors

Turn off your cell phone and close Facebook. Shut the door to keep family members away or go to a café. Figure out what distracts you and eliminate it as you work on your course.

7. Set goals and incentives

Give yourself incentives for completing a section or chapter within a certain time period. Your favorite take-out dinner, a massage, or a nice cup of coffee are good places to start.

8. Jump ahead when you can

One of the best things about online learning is that you can do it at your own pace. If you finish a section or chapter ahead of time, skip ahead to the next one. If you have an unexpected day off work or a free evening, dive in for an extra hour or two.

9. Get your spouse or friend on-board

Enlist your spouse or friend to help out a little extra on the days you’re studying. Have them pick up the kids from school, cook dinner or run an errand for you. They can also help you create study materials or flashcards.

10. Explore ways to multitask

Access the course on your tablet and do the readings at the gym or while you’re waiting for your child to finish her swimming lessons. Just remember, when it comes to multitasking, avoid cognitive conflict (reading while watching TV doesn’t help) or cognitive overload (reading while on a conference call at work).

11. Ask for help

If you’re struggling, don’t understand a concept, or feel lost in your course, don’t hesitate to email your instructor. They will get back to you within 24 hours with some suggestions on how to progress.