Minnesota Real Estate License Requirements
Whether you’re exploring a new career or preparing for another year of market success, get the education you need from a reliable, established real estate school. With Colibri Real Estate, expect an education partner for life — and nothing less. We’re here to guide you, no matter what part of the path you’re on. Learn more about Minnesota’s real estate license requirements.

Minnesota State Required Pre-licensing Hours: 90 hours
Colibri Real Estate Minnesota Course Hours Offered: 90 hours
1. General Minnesota Salesperson License Requirements
The general requirements for real estate salespersons defined by the Minnesota Department of Commerce are as follows:
- Be at least 18 years old
2. Salesperson License Education Requirements in Minnesota
Below are credit hours required for the Minnesota pre-license course to qualify for your salesperson license.
Course Type | Required Credit Hours |
Total Pre-license Course Hours | 90 hours |
3. Additional Salesperson License Requirements in Minnesota
If you meet the general requirements and have completed your required course credit hours, you will need to complete the following steps to get your Salesperson license:
- Complete the approved 90 hours of Minnesota real estate pre-licensing education: Course I, Course II, and Course III.
- Pass the real estate licensing examination by earning a minimum score of 75% on both the state and general portions.
- Obtain sponsorship from a licensed Minnesota real estate broker.
- Complete your Minnesota real estate license application
Regulatory Notes:
Students cannot receive credit for studying more than 8 hours per day, therefore, the proctored final exam for each 30-hour course will not be accessible until the 4th day after starting the course. The course is not considered complete until ALL of the following are true:
- Student has completed the course material and passed the proctored course final exam with a score of at least 70%.
- The school has received and accepted a copy of the signed “CE Course &/or Exam Proctor Affidavit”
Obtaining Certificate of Course Completion: Upon completion of the course, Colibri Real Estate will provide you an electronic certificate of completion in your account dashboard. You will need to present your certificate of completion for Course I to the Pearson VUE testing center. Course completion dates are recorded using Central Standard Time, therefore that will be the time reflected on your certificate.
Roster: Rosters are uploaded twice monthly through PulsePortal on the 1st and 15th of the month (or the next business day if the 1st or the 15th fall on a weekend or a holiday) for students who have returned all required documents since the last report.
Roster Sent: Twice monthly
Minnesota Department of Commerce
Website: https://mn.gov/commerce/licensees/real-estate/
Phone: 651-539-1599
Fax: 651-284-4107
Address: 85 7th Place East, Suite 280 Saint Paul, MN 55101
Minnesota Broker Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
Renewal Date: June 30th every 2 years.
Continuing Education Date: June 30th every year.
Hours Required by Minnesota Department of Commerce: Thirty (30) total hours are required for license renewal, fifteen (15) hours must be completed each licensing year from July 1st and June 30th.
•As part of the thirty (30) hours, licensees must complete 1-hour of Fair Housing and 1-hour of Agency Law. These courses may be completed at any time during the 2-year licensing period. We offer a 2-hour Minnesota Agency Law and Fair Housing course for licensees.
•As part of the fifteen (15) hours required each licensing year, licensees must complete a module training course.
Duplicate Courses: Per 82.61 Licensing: Continuing Education and Instruction (2)(f) Credit may not be earned if the licensee has previously obtained credit for the same course as either a student or instructor during the same 2-year licensing period.
Course Hours Daily Limit: The Minnesota Department of Commerce allows a maximum of eight (8) continuing education hours to be taken on any one calendar day.
Seat Time: The Minnesota Department of Commerce requires a timing device for all distance education courses to ensure that courses cannot be completed in less time than the approved credit hours. Please note that your course will time out after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date.
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your student dashboard.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Minnesota Salesperson Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
Renewal Date: June 30th every 2 years.
Continuing Education Date: June 30th every year.
Hours Required by Minnesota Department of Commerce: Thirty (30) total hours are required for license renewal, fifteen (15) hours must be completed each licensing year from July 1st and June 30th.
•As part of the thirty (30) hours, licensees must complete 1-hour of Fair Housing and 1-hour of Agency Law. These courses may be completed at any time during the 2-year licensing period. We offer a 2-hour Minnesota Agency Law and Fair Housing course for licensees.
•As part of the fifteen (15) hours required each licensing year, licensees must complete a module training course.
Duplicate Courses: Per 82.61 Licensing: Continuing Education and Instruction (2)(f) Credit may not be earned if the licensee has previously obtained credit for the same course as either a student or instructor during the same 2-year licensing period.
Course Hours Daily Limit: The Minnesota Department of Commerce allows a maximum of eight (8) continuing education hours to be taken on any one calendar day.
Seat Time: The Minnesota Department of Commerce requires a timing device for all distance education courses to ensure that courses cannot be completed in less time than the approved credit hours. Please note that your course will time out after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date.
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your student dashboard.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Good to Know
The information provided is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Minnesota Department of Commerce. For a more detailed requirements breakdown, please see the board’s site.
If you hold Real Estate licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state’s requirements.
Note: This license renewal information is provided as a convenience only and is subject to change at any time. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be sure that he or she is meeting all requirements for each license and corresponding renewal period.