A Few Reasons I’m Encouraged About the New Year!

It is that time of year again. The New Year has arrived with all of its promise to wash away the stress of the past year and replace it with a shiny new slate of hope. This year in particular is offering a great deal of promise. On the heels of the housing and economic crises reaching their peak in 2009, the New Year is offering all of the prosperity that an economic recovery implies.

People that resolved to become homeowners in the New Year but have been afraid due to the housing crisis have more opportunities than ever before to get the assistance they need to become first time home owners. Extensions of tax incentive programs for home buyers and some of the best interest rates ever offered are making it possible for more people than ever before to realize the dream of becoming home owners in 2010. The extension of the tax incentive also included the addition of a tax credit for existing home owners to purchase a new primary residence. Relocating or downsizing in 2010 is going to be easier in light of the expanded tax incentives.

Getting out of debt is something that is on the top of many resolution lists every New Year’s Eve, probably more so in light of the current economic situation. Those people that have been hard hit by recent economic issues have no doubt resolved to find a career that will help to achieve this goal, without requiring that they work several jobs or so many hours that they cannot achieve another popular New Year’s resolution; the resolution to spend more quality time with our family and friends.

Unemployment has plagued more Americans than in decades, and the New Year promises to offer some solutions to the problem. The turnaround in the housing market is offering nationwide opportunities for employment in the real estate industry. For those that found themselves out of work in 2009, in less than a couple of months, in whatever state you live in, you could get your real estate license and be starting a lucrative new career in the New Year. Even those with a real estate license can be weeks away from a real estate broker’s license. If a new career is your New Year’s resolution then the housing market turnaround offers amazing prospects.

As each New Year begins it is tradition to take stock of our lives and plan for the coming year and what goals we hope to accomplish. The economic crisis of the last couple of years has shifted gears for many people from simply losing 15 pounds to making real changes toward securing your financial future.

If your resolution is realizing the American dream of becoming a home owner, then the extension and expansion of tax incentives into 2010 has amazing opportunities for the average American to become a first time home buyer.

If your resolution is to find a new career, you could be earning commissions with your real estate license before you have finished paying off your Christmas bills. If you wish to further an already successful career, you could increase your income by brokering others that wish to enjoy a prosperous real estate career.

The beginning of the economic recovery has amazing prospects going into the New Year.

Happy New Year from all of us at ColibriRealEstate.com!