john proctor house salem

A Salem Witch Trial Victim’s House is For Sale (Plus More Links)

Twice a month we bring you the very best in real estate-related links around the internet. Here’s our latest rendition on what you should be paying attention to right now in order to stay current. 

Read: A Salem Witch Trial house is for sale…

Halloween’s coming up, which gives us the perfect excuse to talk about creepy homes. Here’s one for the history-minded among us: the home of John Proctor, who was a victim of the Salem Witch Trials is for sale in Massachusets. It’s a 4,000 square-foot home listed for $600,000. Proctor, one of the home’s previous inhabitants, was convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to death in 1692.

Watch: How this real estate agent plans an entire Halloween experience

Are you taking advantage of Halloween’s ability to bring your community together? Nicole Tomlinson of Berkshire Hathaway has an entire kid-friendly haunted house she puts together, and it’s elaborate. This video Real Estate Millions takes you on a tour through it before delving into some of her Halloween tips. She got all of her decoration tips for her Halloween experience from luxury real estate. Think of all the creative staging you’ve seen in your real estate career! Could you apply that to an amazing Halloween experience for the community? If you’re looking for a unique way to develop organic leads — she has a lot of visual elements in this video to spur your creativity.

FREE Guide: Learn how to earn more with our 2018 Real Estate Agent Income Guide.

Listen: Where real estate and pop culture collide

Were you looking for the perfect way to get your real estate and pop culture fix? Maybe not, but now you have it anyway. has just launched a new podcast called ‘House Party’ editors discuss topics at the intersection of entertainment and real estate.

The first episode touches on, among other topics, the question of ‘would you live in a house where a murder occurred?’ Making it very Halloween-y for this spooky week. If you get easily overwhelmed by podcasts with many older seasons, this is the perfect podcast for you because it just launched. Listen to it now and you can say you were there when it all began.

Follow: Real Estate on Instagram

This account, called simply @realestate, has a ton of real estate inspiration with beautiful photos and videos that capture New York real estate in its glory. Sometimes you just need a good pick-me-up in the middle of your newsfeed and this account is that. It’ll make you think warm, cozy thoughts about real estate — and sometimes you just need that!

Act: Get into the Halloween spirit

If you aren’t already planning to outreach to your community for Halloween, you might want to re-think that. It’s a great way to meet potential clients and you don’t have to go all-out like the above video to do it. All it takes is something as easy as really good Halloween candy with your information on it. If you need some great Halloween inspiration, get into the spirit by reading about these five spooky houses on the market right now in the U.S. Have you ever sold a house with a creepy past? Would you be able to sell these?